Company with the Best Health Insurance Coverage of the Year
Gross direct premium
Solvency Ratio
Combined Ratio
Claim settlement ratio
Profit after tax
Retention Ratio
Number of complaints per 10,000 policies
Repudiated Claim Ratio
Company with the Best Risk Management Strategy of the Year (Life/General)
Persistency -13th month & 61st month – for LI Companies
Risk Retention Ratio – for GI companies
Reserve Adequacy Ratio
Solvency Margin
Average TAT to resolve customer’s grievances
Claim Repudiation Ratio
Best strategies for ‘Insurance Spreading’ for the Year
Number of branches
Distribution Spread – Percentage of growth in number of Agents/Brokers/Corporate agents
New Digital initiatives Insurance Company for penetration in all levels of society
Number of policies
Rural and Social sector policies
Best Broker of the Year
Number of insurance companies with which policies have been placed
New Business Growth (growth in clients, policies written, new business)
Number of claims settled vis a vis claims raised by clients
Persistency Ratio/ Retention Ratio/ NPS Score
Total Number of POS (Point of Sales)
% of employees with valid Insurance qualification to the total number of employees
Details of innovation and adaptability in the areas of – new sales and marketing strategies, adoption of regulatory changes, enhancement in the areas of customer experience and risk management
Best Innovations led by Technology and Insurtech’s
Innovative and diversified product percentage to total sales
Reason to consider the product/process as innovative
Provide Details of Impactful New Process leading to Better Customer Experience/Service
Tech Enablement that impacted service standards – mention area of impact and results
Digital transformation initiatives to enhance insurance penetration e.g., AI, Robotics, Chatbots, Big Data, Cloud, etc. and its overall impact in improving customer experience.
Best Customer Oriented Company (Life/General/Health)
New Business Premium
Persistency -13th month & 61st month – for LI Companies
Risk Retention Ratio – for GI companies
Average number of complaints per 10,000 policies
Claim Settlement Ratio
Total Settlement TAT
Number of Products which cater to women, minority groups, people with disabilities and LGBT individuals
Women in Insurance Leadership
Number of women in top management with details of role
Number of products cater to women specifically
Total number of women employees to total employees
% of women into intermediaries /Agents
% of policy sold to women
Best Practices in Crop Insurance
Percentage of crop insurance premium to total premium
Retention Ratio of Crop Insurance
Loss Ratio of Crop Insurance
Servicing innovation for rural areas
Best Reinsurer of the Year Region Wise (Life/General/Health)
Shareholder capital.
Reserve Adequacy Ratio.
Number of claims settled
No of Life and General Insurance Companies Covered in Re Insurance (average of last 3 years)
Risk Management Strategy
Percentage of Risk Premium ceded to the Reinsurance companies by the Life and Non-Life Insurance companies